House Voice Recording Systems
Type of Activity
Tape Recording Conversations
DC and Others
Date of Activity
1940 through 1974 and maybe more
Did You Know: U.S. Presidents Have
Secretly Recorded Conversations Since 1940
Forty-four years ago,
Richard M. Nixon became the first (and only) U.S. president to resign his
office. A prime reason for his unprecedented decision was the revelation of his
White House recording system—which showed his effort to conceal a major abuse
of executive power.
In an era
of diminished expectations of privacy, Nixon and several of his predecessors,
who wanted to preserve important facts that might come up during a meeting or
during a telephone call, recorded nearly 5,000 hours of presidential
conversations beginning in 1940.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was outraged with The New York Times in 1939 for publishing what he called “a deliberate lie.” Someone who attended a meeting of the U.S. Senate Committee on Military Affairs in the White House quoted Roosevelt as saying that the country’s frontier lay on the Rhine River in Europe.
After that incident, the
president’s stenographer suggested that he start recording his meetings.
Roosevelt experimented with the standard dictation device of the time, a
hard-wax cylinder recorder designed by Dictaphone, but the test proved to be
unsuccessful. It had less than 10 minutes of recording capacity, and its
microphone was often ineffective.
David Sarnoff, president
of the Radio Corporation of America, offered Roosevelt an alternative recording
device that the company had licensed from inventor John Ripley Kiel, who
recorded sound by indenting patterns on a disc or ribbon instead of on a
cylinder. It was, in the inventor’s
words, the only “device that could record for as long as
24 hours unattended” and “immediately have the recording played back.” It
was installed in the White House basement directly under Roosevelt’s desk in
the Oval Office. A microphone was hidden in the president’s desk lamp, offered
180-degree sound pickup. Roosevelt pressed a button to activate the system,
which then recorded only in response to sounds.
Roosevelt recorded
14 press conferences in 1940 during his toughest reelection campaign. The
eight hours of recordings. After he won reelection, he never used the sound
recorder again. It remained in the White House until 1947, when the National
Archives took possession of it and transferred the recordings to acetate discs.
President Dwight D. “Ike”
Eisenhower began recorded
meetings upon taking office in 1953. The White House
Signal Detachment (WHSD) installed a Soundscriber
Tycoon dictation system in the Oval Office early that year.
A button in the
president’s desk turned on a microphone hidden inside a fake telephone on the
desk; the rest of the system’s components were housed in the adjacent office of
his secretary, Ann C. Whitman. However, Eisenhower often would forget to
turn the machine on at the start of a meeting, and many of the conversations he
did record turned out to be indecipherable.
By 1955 the
White House had switched to another dated but durable format, the Dictaphone
Time Master’s red vinyl Dictabelt. Eisenhower recorded
about 75 meetings.
By 1955 the White House switched to the Dictaphone Time Master’s red vinyl Dictabelt
JFK increases use
John F. Kennedy significantly increased the amount of recording in the
White House. Like Roosevelt, Kennedy wanted to ensure that the people he spoke
to in private said the same things in public.
His system, installed in
1962 by the White House Communications Agency (WHCA), used a Model 5 reel-to-reel
magnetic tape recorder made by Tandberg
Radiofabrikk, a Norwegian company. Obtained from the
U.S. Army Signal Corps, it could record up to two hours on a reel with
greater frequency response than the earlier indenting recorders, and with
minimal distortion. Microphones were hidden behind the drapes in the Cabinet
Room, under Kennedy’s desk, beneath a coffee table in the
Oval Office, and in the White House study. Kennedy also had a Dictaphone
machine connected to his telephone.
In 1962 and 1963, the White House recorded
265 hours of meetings and 12 hours of phone
calls. The microphones still picked up background noise, however, including the
air conditioning hum, paper shuffling, and the tapping of Kennedy’s legs
against his desk. JFK’s vice president,
Lyndon B. Johnson also recorded telephone conversations with a Dictaphone,
an Edison
Voicewriter, and IBM’s transistorized Executary.
A Model 5 reel-to-reel magnetic tape recorder made by Tandberg Radiofabrikk was installed in 1962 during John F. Kennedy’s presidency. |
Apparently, when he moved
into the Oval Office four days later November 26, 1963, he initially used
Kennedy's Dictaphone system. Gradually, President Johnson expanded his use of
the Dictaphone system. He began recording his telephone conversations in the
Oval Office and from other locations.
Gradually, Johnson had
WHCA install Dictaphones in several locations because he desired “complete
coverage.” Dictaphone recorders were installed in his master bedroom where the
President himself controlled the switch that turned the machines on and off. The recording system was placed under
his bed and controlled by a switch on the telephone that was next to his bed in the
residence section of the White House, also at Camp David, and in two locations in
Texas: in his office and bedroom on his ranch in Stonewall.
LBJ held many meetings in the Master Bedroom |
Both the Cabinet Room and
lounge recording systems were installed over the weekend of January 19, 1968,
by Sergeant First Class Joseph B. Wilson and Navy Yeoman Gordon Olson under the
supervision of Lieutenant Colonel James Adams. Adams was responsible for the
white House Residence Branch of WHCA.
Beginning in early 1968,
Johnson had the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) install a conventional
reel-to-reel analog recording system in the Cabinet Room and in his small
private office next to the Oval Office. A WHCA carpenter drilled eight holes in
the underside of the Cabinet table to feed microphone outputs to a mixer in the
basement. Voices were still hard to hear among other noises in the room.
WHCA also installed
Dictabelt machines in the White House Situation Room and on the desk of the
Duty Officer in the Communications Center. President Johnson also wanted a
portable system that he could use when he traveled outside of Washington, D
.C. Although this machine was not used
regularly, there are some recordings of the President speaking on the telephone
while he traveled.
Jack Albright the WHCA
Commander and other members of the White House staff suggested that Johnson, in
constant fear of leaks during his second term, was afraid that the existence of
the Dictaphone system would become known. Therefore, he used the system
infrequently and carefully.
President Johnson ordered
all traces of the Dictaphone systems removed in mid-December 1968, so the
President elect, and his staff would not know that recording telephone
conversations ever took place. WHCA removed the machines in the White House and
at Camp David over the weekend of December 28, 1968. However, they left the
machines at the President's ranch in place.
LBJ in the cabinet meeting room |
As president, Johnson relied on Dictaphones rather than tape
recorders to save more than 800 hours
covering 9,000 telephone conversations on five
phone lines, including two at his ranch in Stonewall, Texas. Johnson was the
first president to use his recordings; his secretaries transcribed them for his
review each evening.
Nixon, his
Recordings and the WATERGATE SCANDAL
Johnson encouraged Nixon to use his system just before
Nixon took office. He declined at first but also wanted to ensure the accuracy
of statements by people who met with him and keep a record for his memoirs. His
chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, considered Nixon to be “far too inept with
machinery” to operate a recording system so the installation used modified,
voice-activated Sony
TC-800B reel-to-reel tape recorders.
Nixon learned that Lyndon Johnson had in the White
House's West Wing a taping system that permitted him to record both meetings
and telephone conversations. When Nixon came to the White House on Inauguration
Day, 1969, he found what he believed to be Johnson's taping equipment in what
was, the small room just to the west of the Oval Office. It was hidden in the
upper part of a closet just next to the fireplace.
Shortly after Richard Nixon
took office on January 20, 1969, he ordered the removal of an extensive secret
taping system his predecessor, Lyndon B. Johnson, had installed in the White
House. Johnson, selectively recorded conversations on telephones in the Oval
Office, his bedroom, and on several other phones he used regularly. He also
installed a taping system in the Cabinet Room.
Nixon abhorred the idea of taping the president's meetings and telephone conversations. He ordered the equipment removed immediately when he came to the White House, as he did Johnson's triple television monitor system and his ticker-tape machine. The new president shared none of LBJ’s love of gadgetry. All of Johnson's machines were quickly removed. Nixon's White House, as these actions taken immediately after his arrival seemed to assure, was to be free of garish electronics, and there was to be no surreptitious recording of meetings and conversations.
The problem was that people who met with the president did not always report accurately or completely what was said and decided privately. Sometimes the error was honest; Nixon often knew much more about a subject than the person he was meeting with and misunderstanding sometimes resulted from this. More often, though, the inaccurate reports had more self-serving motives. Contact with the president presents many temptations to people and brings out many things in their personalities that might never have appeared had they not been flattered with Oval Office meetings. Johnson had warned Nixon about what would happen. "Everybody in this town," he said, "will call somebody else and say, 'the President wants this, and the President wants that. And the people who claimed to know what the president wanted were often believed—because they had just this morning, or just yesterday, stepped out of a meeting in the Oval Office. Sometimes the misreporting of fact had a bad intent, sometimes it represented a willful manufacture of false knowledge to gain some end.
In an attempt to ensure
accurate records of presidential meetings—and to trace sources of public leaks
emanating from the White House – beginning in February 1971, and at Nixon’s
direction, recording equipment was installed in the Oval Office, the
President’s office in the Old Executive Office Building, the Cabinet Room, and
at the presidential cabin at Camp David. Unlike Johnson’s system, which was
manually activated to record conversations Johnson wanted to tape, Nixon’s
system was voice-activated and recorded everything.
Nixon’s decision to place
recording devices in his offices and elsewhere was not unique. Every president
since Franklin D. Roosevelt had secretly recorded conversations with aides and
others with whom they met or spoke on the telephone.
Until Alexander Butterfield, a
former White House aide. revealed the existence of the taping system to the
Senate Watergate Committee in July 1973, the existence of the taping system had
remained unknown except to a select few at the White House. When its existence
became known, differing advice was offered to President Nixon as to what to do
with them, as they were considered his personal private property. He chose not
to destroy them.
Only about 5 percent of the nearly 3,600 hours of
Nixon White House tape recordings contain references to Watergate. Two tapes
proved to be particularly damaging
Nixon wanted an accurate record of his presidency was for his eventual use in preparing his memoirs and other writing projects that he might undertake after his term of office was over.
Something had to be done, Nixon agreed, to ensure that we possessed an accurate record of what was said in meetings. WHCA tried a series of experiments during 1969 and 1970.
Of course, Nixon's presidency was ultimately brought down in large measure by tape recordings of his meetings and telephone conversations. He changed his mind about tape recordings, but he did so hesitantly, over a considerable period, and because of a sequence of failed attempts to solve a problem that seemed to leave no alternative to recommencing taping in the White House.
Two years into his presidency, Nixon had still not found a satisfactory way of getting a full account of what was said and decided in his meetings. Many experiments had been tried, and just as many had been discarded. It was Lyndon Johnson who finally solved his problem, not with a new idea, by any means, but with a decisive nudge toward an old idea. As a former president, Johnson could offer Nixon advice on some subjects with an authority no one else could match. Somehow, probably through some friend of Nixon's who had been conversing with Johnson on how best to set up a Nixon Library, word got back to Nixon, probably in late 1970 or early 1971, that Johnson's view was that he was foolish not to be keeping a record of what was going on, and that a good record was essential to the preparation of a former president's memoirs.
Initially only the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room were included in the system. The Cabinet Room was the only location ever to be included in the taping system that was not sound activated; a control mechanism in Butterfield's office had to be switched on to activate the machinery. The Oval Office machinery—and this was true of all the other White House taping locations—was activated by the Executive Protective Service's First Family Locator system; whenever an officer notified the system that the president was now in the Oval Office, the appropriate light came on in boxes scattered around the West Wing, and the taping machinery switched on. It was poised and ready to begin taping whenever any sounds occurred.
The White House Communications Agency eventually installed seven of the recorders in the White House and set up others in the Executive Office Building; Camp David, and on four presidential telephone lines. They were connected also to the president’s electronic location system, a radio-frequency device Nixon carried that activated receivers in certain rooms he entered.
President Richard M. Nixon used voice-activated Sony TC-800B reel-to-reel tape recorders.
The taping system began
operating in the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room on February 16, 1971. On
April 6, the president's office in the Old Executive Office Building and his
telephones in both this office and the Oval Office, and the telephone in the
Lincoln Sitting Room in the Residence, were added to the system. Over a year
later, on May 18, 1972, the president's office and two telephones in Aspen
Lodge at Camp David were also added to the system, The Camp David installation
completed the system.
The map below of the Oval Office shows the positions of seven microphones. Five (M-1 through M-5) were at the President s desk, and two were in the wall lamps on each side of the fireplace.
Microphone locations in the Oval Office Enlarge
makes the Cabinet Room recordings unique is that the room itself could
accommodate more participants than the average meeting recorded on a White
House Telephone, in the Lincoln Sitting Room, or in the president's Executive
Office Building retreat. Thus, these recordings often captured larger meetings
with Congressional leaders, various domestic councils, presidential
commissions, task forces, meetings of the National Security Council, an
occasional Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, top secret briefings by Director of
Central Intelligence Richard Helms, an international summit meeting--such as
the U.S.-Soviet meetings during June 1973, and, of course, Cabinet meetings, along
with many other types of gatherings.
The Cabinet Meeting Room
Aspen Lodge office was taken off the system in March 1973. On April 9, 1973,
Nixon told Halderman to remove the rest of the taping system, but later that
same day he changed his mind—he wanted to retain the system, but he wanted it
converted to a switch basis. Nixon's order was not carried out. The
sound-activated system remained in place in the president's offices until it
was finally shut down on July 18,1973, two days after Alexander Butterfield
told the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities—the
so-called Ervin Committee—of its existence.
Nixon never used the
White House tapes for any of the purposes he had had in mind when he ordered
the system installed until he ordered Halderman in mid-April 1973 to listen to
the recording of his March 21, 1973, conversation with John Dean during which
Dean had described at length the problems that Watergate had created for the
presidency. He wanted to know precisely what he had said during that troubling
Also, while taping at
other White House locations was ended earlier in 1973 by Watergate-era Chief of
Staff Al Haig, the Cabinet Room recordings continued until July 1973, even
after the revelation of the taping system before the Watergate investigating
committee by presidential aide Alexander Butterfield.
The prosecution was
interested in tapes of a discussion between Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R.
"Bob" Haldeman, that were captured by the president's secret White
House recording system in the days immediately following the break-in at
Democratic National Committee headquarters.
But those tapes contain a
mysterious 18.5-minute gap -- a patch of buzzes and clicks of missing audio --
in the middle of a recording made June 20, 1972, three days after the break-in.
Rose Mary Woods, Nixon’s
loyal private secretary, was tasked with transcribing the tapes before they
were turned over to prosecutors. Woods testified in front of a federal grand
jury in 1974 that she was using a Dictaphone, which had a pedal that would
pause the recording when she lifted her foot off it, and she claimed she had
erased part of the tape by mistake.
Rose Mary Woods, President Richard Nixon's secretary transcribing recorded tapes
Her explanation was that
she was listening to the tape and … the telephone rang. So, she kept her foot
on a pedal, pushed the wrong button. She pushed record instead of off and
reached for the phone.” Woods testified that when
she accidentally pushed record on the Dictaphone, it recorded over part of the
original conversation. There’s a famous photo of Woods re-creating the moment,
in which Woods attempted to keep her foot on the Dictaphone pedal and reach for
the phone on the other side of her desk at the same time. Some have jokingly
referred to it as the “Rose Mary Stretch.” The audio couldn’t be recovered during the trials. It is widely believed that the President had tried to alter the tapes but erased the missing 18 min. himself!
Oval office meeting note the Dictaphone machine next to the President’s desk
After Nixon's
resignation, most thought that was the end of recordings but was it? There is
evidence to support that presidents continued to roll the tape — albeit in a
more limited way. There is no law preventing secret White House recordings, and
some kept it up — most notably Reagan.
Reagan was presented with
the option of continuing or not continuing the phone tapings in the Oval Office
for national security purposes, obviously tapings were a very controversial
subject ever since the Nixon days. But Reagan could see the value of it, not so
much for history but for accuracy ... and readily agreed to continue the
Ford, Carter and George
H.W. Bush reportedly had no-recording rules, and there's no evidence that Bill
Clinton taped anything secretly in the White House.
There's some evidence
that George W. Bush recorded at least some video conferences. As for Obama, There
is only speculation that recordings were made, but we know that the NSA can
collect anyone’s telephone conversations.
But an Obama official told
NPR that while it was true the Obama White House recorded interviews with the
media — a common practice among campaigns, too — it was out in the open. And that
they didn't record private meetings.
The Presidents’
recording efforts in the White House have had many consequences, most notably
Nixon’s resignation. It is hard to imagine that any President has tried to
record conversations since it was disclosed over forty years ago when it was common
practice, but it appears that with today's advanced technology don't Assume it isn't happening today and in the future!